Sunday, May 1, 2011


Chemicals bonding 
magically creating things
marvel at what it brings

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Diane Fossey

Diane Fossey was a zoologist during the 1900's that studied gorillas. She was significant because of her research and studies of the primate.  "The gorillas that Fossey was to study inhabit a narrow strip of forest that covers the sides of several extinct volcanoes on the borders between Rwanda, Congo, and Uganda. Much of their habitat is rain forest at an altitude of 10,000 feet or more." She also studied over 50 types of gorillas and put them into classified groups. She would also capture and torture pochers who tried to kill the animals to give them a taste of their own medicine. She wrote her own book, Gorillas in the Mist, and her work and progess studies can be found all over the world.

I find the life and work of Diane Fossey interesting because she not only made an impact on the studies of primates, but she also had a very interesting life. She had a troubled house hold life growing up, studied in California, and then eventually moved to live with the Gorillas in Africa and then was mudered. No one knows who her murderer is, which is interesting to me. She also did not just do the typical kind of chemistry like equations or elements, she studied animals and their functions, which is interesting to me and fun to read about because its not like all science is the same. Her legend lives on in books and in the studies she worked on so its kind of like she never really left. I think her legend is interesting and educational.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


When I think scientist I think of Albert Einstein. I think of him because of all his contributions to society. Such as the atomic bomb. (though he did not create the bomb, he contributed with the e=mc²). He also created the general theory of relativity (which helps with elevators and such) He also discovered why the sky is blue, and the Einstein Refrigerator. All of these pertain to my everyday life and his name has been drilled in my brain since I was little, so therefore I think of Albert Einstein. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

2 Goals

While pondering my first trimester and what I could of done better, I thought of two things that could benefit me in being a chemist. Those two goals are:
1) To challenge myself more in Chemistry. I think during the first trimester I thought of chemistry as more of a laid back class than something I would have to work at. This quickly came back to bite me in the butt. I think if I thought harder and pertained what I learned in class into every day life, I would have a deeper understanding of chemistry, enjoy it, and over all I would achieve.
2) To be more open to ideas. Sometimes when we do experiments in chemistry, I think that they're really bizarre and not quite sure what I think about them. Though I do think that they are interesting, I also think sometimes I am closed minded about them. I think if I opened my head space more to think outside the box and like a chemist, I would understand the concept deeper and enjoy the labs.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

E-Portfolio Blog

  For my E-Portfolio, I decided that I would choose the Superhero project. Of all the projects and assignments that we did, I thought that this was the best one to choose because it combined all the things in Chemistry that we had learned; even outside the classroom. It combined the elements which we had been learning about, along with creativity of the character, and skills outside the classroom with computers, time managment, and work. I thought the most interesting thing about this project was that we got the chance to make it whatever we wanted. Whatever element we wanted to do, elaborate or very plain, the ball was in our court. It was kind of a new concept to me for this to happen during school because most projects have a very strict guideline and have certain things on them to achieve. This made it more challenging to complete because I knew that even with good ideas came the follow up work and lots of pondering on what to make my poster about. This caused me to actually have quite a bit of frustration with my work because I spent about 2 hours on my poster but appeared that I was a second grader who worked on it for ten minutes. This was probably the most frustrating aspect. So, if I were to do the project all over again, I would deffenitly have done what one of my classmates had done and taken it to a professional and had them blow it up on a poster board. This seemed to be the most effective way to me, and it looked really clean cut and nicely done. She had spent the same ammount of time on this project as me, but mine seemed to a lot less out standing. This was the first change in my work ethic that I seemed to want to fix. Nothing really during the project made me want to change my behavior, but after turning mine in, I realized that for the next project I would like to be a lot more efficent with my time and realize that its okay to get a little bit of help from other people (ex: people at Staples.) If I had to give myself a grade on this blog, I would probably give myself a 3 or a 4. Proabbly a 3.5. I think that all of the topics I talked about I spent time thinking about them, and planning them out and cutting what is not relavent and what is important rather than just throwing a bunch of junk in. I think that I made it very clear what my project looked like, but never described it in the blog so people would exactly know. I think that I gave positive feed back to myself and concrete changes that I plan to make in the future. I don't think I could ever really deserve a perfect 100 because theres always something I can fix about my writing, but I think that this is my best work and the most efficent and good work ethic that I can give.

 *all questions asked are bolded and fit into my paragraph

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Metal, Nonmetal, or Metalloid?

If I were a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid, I think I would probably be a nonmetal.I would be a nonmetal because those select elements belong to a very small group. I do better with small ammounts of people maybe I don't have the 'biggest' personalitly when I first meet people. Non-metals are not strictly defiend, but show characterisitcs, which I think also pertains to me. I think this relates to me because I don't ever have just one goal or dream in mind, its changing every day, but I still have distinct charactheriscts about myself which I think show. Unlike metals which are defined, I don't feel as if I am ever defined. So, in this case, I think I would be a nonmetal.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What am I learning about myself as a student in chemistry?

In Chemistry, I am learning that I am studying differently and I procrastonate a lot. I studied at different times for the test in hopes I would absorb more. This led to just more procrastonation but I learned really well little bits instead of semi knowing a lot. I am testing different study methods out. I also notice that I study better with groups of people who can verify what I say is correct or not. Jack Leslie and Jacob and I all studied together which helped me a lot before the test.