Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Diane Fossey

Diane Fossey was a zoologist during the 1900's that studied gorillas. She was significant because of her research and studies of the primate.  "The gorillas that Fossey was to study inhabit a narrow strip of forest that covers the sides of several extinct volcanoes on the borders between Rwanda, Congo, and Uganda. Much of their habitat is rain forest at an altitude of 10,000 feet or more." She also studied over 50 types of gorillas and put them into classified groups. She would also capture and torture pochers who tried to kill the animals to give them a taste of their own medicine. She wrote her own book, Gorillas in the Mist, and her work and progess studies can be found all over the world.

I find the life and work of Diane Fossey interesting because she not only made an impact on the studies of primates, but she also had a very interesting life. She had a troubled house hold life growing up, studied in California, and then eventually moved to live with the Gorillas in Africa and then was mudered. No one knows who her murderer is, which is interesting to me. She also did not just do the typical kind of chemistry like equations or elements, she studied animals and their functions, which is interesting to me and fun to read about because its not like all science is the same. Her legend lives on in books and in the studies she worked on so its kind of like she never really left. I think her legend is interesting and educational.